What we Do
We continue to expand and develop our offerings of Buddhist services and mindfulness programs both for our sanghas inside prison and in support of returning citizens.
Our Programs
We share meditation, mindfulness and movement practices, encourage healing and creativity, co-create safe and inclusive communities (sanghas), advocate for decarceration, and support artists, Buddhists, change agents, dharma practitioners, meditators, teachers, and movement facilitators interested in working in the prison system!

Our original prison program, Buddhist Pathways brings Buddhist religious services to incarcerated individuals. This program aims to support and protect access to Buddhism as a religion for incarcerated people.

Mindful Prisons is a non-religious, distance-learning program. This project is co-created with formerly incarcerated people and is uniquely focused on how mindfulness tools can support people living in prison.
Outside Sangha
Our Outside Sangha is a reentry support program designed to give previously incarcerated people a space to practice meditation, and receive community support.
This group meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:00-7:30pm on zoom and is open to the general public.
Visit to join.
Ongoing Support
Outside of our three main programs we provide Ongoing Support to currently and previously incarcerated individuals in a variety of ways.
We write letters, provide mentorship,
Coming Soon
Program offerings in development include Art Awakenings – a meditative art program and Moving Meditations – a mindful movement program including practice modalities such as yoga, chi gong, and tai chi.